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This Yummy Bacon Treat
Helps Dogs of All Ages to
Look, Feel, and Move Like
When They Were Puppies!

Wild belly package bottle.
Calmer moods.


Healthier Digestion.


Shinier Coat.


Improved Joint Health.

Joint Health

Inside: The little-known “cellular mistake” happening inside your dog's cells that steals their energy and vitality starting as early as age 2. Plus, the simple dinner-time treat you can give your dog to help support healthy joints, digestion, behavior and more!

Claim Your Supply Today >
Wild belly package.
Calmer moods.


Healthier Digestion.


Shinier Coat.


Improved Joint Health.

Joint Health

"I Was Stunned How Rapidly My Labrador Lacey Started
Slowing Down... Until This Discovery Gave Me My Puppy Back"

This discovery gave me my puppy back.

My name is Dr. Mark Reese. I have a PhD in Cellular Biology and I spent over 20 years in the field of anti-aging.

Today, I want to tell you about how I uncovered a surprising reason why our beloved dogs seem to age so rapidly…

And how making one simple change took my 14 year old Labrador Lacey from barely being able to stand or leaping, running, and acting like a puppy again.

It still brings me to tears just thinking about it...

But I'll get to Lacey's incredible comeback story and the breakthrough behind it in just a moment.

First, it's important you understand what's really going on inside your dog's body that causes them to go from a healthy and carefree puppy to a dog with allergies, mobility issues, bad breath, anxiety and other issues.

It turns out that these things don’t just happen as dogs get older.

It’s because there is one thing that happens to dogs after they turn two years old, and over time it can rob them of their vitality, happiness, even years off their lifespan...

The Surprising Truth Behind Many Of
Our Dogs Biggest Health Issues

Dog collapsed onto the grass.

Like so many loving dog owners, I used to believe it was normal for dogs to start slowing down around age 7. After all, that's when we start calling them "seniors".

But what if that was all wrong?

New research shows that around a dog's 2nd birthday, there's a hidden cellular change that starts happening inside their body...

A process that silently triggers aging, joint issues, digestive problems, itchy skin, low energy, anxiety, aggression, and more...

Stealing months, even years of healthy days from your beloved companion.

I discovered this after my Labrador Lacey turned 8 years old. She went from energetic, playful and full of life...

To barely having the energy to stand or go on short walks.

It broke my heart to see Lacey suffering at only 8 years old. I tried everything - new diets, supplements, medicine. But nothing worked.

Claim Your Supply Today >

My Vet Said It Was "Normal" For
Lacey To Decline So Rapidly... But I
Refused To Accept It

"She's not a puppy anymore," my vet explained. "Joint pain, low energy...this is all normal for a dog Lacey's age."

His words felt like a punch to the gut.

Normal? How could it be normal for my once energetic, playful girl to suddenly struggle with the most basic activities?

Over the next few months I watched helplessly as Lacey's health continued to deteriorate...She lost interest in walks, playing and even eating her favorite foods.

My heart was shattered seeing Lacey suffer. And what made it even worse was the guilt. The feeling that despite being a scientist who studied aging, I had no idea how to help my own dog.

I threw myself into researching everything I could about canine health and longevity. I had to find answers for Lacey.

I refused to accept my dog is sick.

A Surprising Discovery That Helped Lacey Look,
Feel, and Move Like She Was Years Younger

During my research, I uncovered studies from Harvard, Stanford and MIT shining light on something called methylation. And while you might not have heard of methylation before, but it’s one of the hottest areas in scientific research.

Methylation acts like an "instruction manual" for cells, telling them how to function optimally. It happens a billion times per second!

But when methylation breaks down - usually around a dog's 2nd birthday - those "instruction manuals" can fill up with errors. And suddenly your dog's cells don't know how to function correctly. Their bodies start to rapidly show problems.

It explains why many dogs can appear to slow down and age so quickly - because methylation fails them!

How Do I Support Healthy Methylation In My Dog?

The key to supporting methylation is a B vitamin called folate. However, studies showed dogs don't get enough folate from diet alone.

But certain strains of healthy gut bacteria CAN help dogs produce more folate naturally.

When I realized this, it was a game-changer...Could restoring methylation support cellar function in a way that made my dog act and feel healthier and happier?

I Threw Myself Into Creating A Formula
With The Right Strains of Dog Specific Probiotics...
And I Saw Lacey's Health Transform

I saw Lacey's health transform.

I gathered research on the most effective dog-friendly probiotic strains for producing folate and supporting methylation. I spent months consulting top microbiologists to identify optimal strains and amounts. And once I was finished, the only thing left to do was to test it with Lacey.

Sure enough, before long Lacey’s energy returned. It was like she was 3 years old again!

Soon Lacey wanted to play fetch and belly rubs again - things she hadn't done in over a year! Her coat gleamed like she was a show dog. And her vet was shocked by her bloodwork.

Helping my dog Lacey was the best feeling in the world.. I'd finally helped my beloved companion regain her lost energy and vitality.

Lacey's transformation inspired me to make this same blend of dog-friendly probiotics available to folks all over the world.

Especially since most dog foods don't contain the specific probiotic strains for optimizing methylation and folate.

Introducing Wild Belly

The World's First Gut-Optimizing Probiotic
Formula Designed Specifically For Dogs

Scientifically formulated based on cutting-edge canine research at
MIT, Stanford and Harvard.

Wild belly package.
Dogs love the bacon flavored taste.

Wild Belly contains the precise blend of 8 dog-friendly probiotic strains proven to optimize deteriorating cellular function for remarkable anti-aging benefits.

As little as one scoop daily floods your dog's gut with beneficial bacteria to stimulate folate synthesis, restoring methylation to transform skin, coats, digestion, moods, joint health and more!

Studies show that the dog-friendly probiotic strains you’ll find in Wild Belly can help dogs of all ages start feeling years younger within just 30 days.

This breakthrough formula is the ultimate way to restore your dog's vitality and experience the anti-aging effects of optimized methylation faster than ever.

Most probiotics fail to include the precise strains dogs need. But Wild Belly contains the exact probiotic ratios to stimulate folate for cellular renewal without any stomach upset!

Best of all, dogs LOVE the bacon flavored taste!

As Little As One Scoop Per Day Of Wild Belly
Can Make Your Dog Feel Years Younger!

Wild Belly works unlike anything else to support methylation and optimize your dog’s health from the inside out.

The magic lies in Wild Belly’s unique blend of probiotic strains that have been shown in studies to help dogs produce higher levels of activated folate.

Folate is the key vitamin for supporting the methylation process. But dogs struggle to get enough from diet alone.

That’s where Wild Belly comes in...

Just a few scoops daily floods your dog’s gut with beneficial strains to stimulate folate synthesis.

Bacon Flavored Wild belly Powder.

Within days you could notice:

Over weeks and months, Wild Belly will help your dog feel and act like they did when they were an energy-filled puppy.

The Proven Ingredients In Wild Belly Clinical Shown
To Optimize Methylation And Your Dog's Lifespan

Wild Belly harnesses the power of not just one...but 8 specific strains of canine-friendly probiotics:
Studies show L. Plantarum to be a folate producing super strain.

L. Plantarum

Studies show L. Plantarum to be a “folate producing super strain” that supports methylation in dogs. In multiple trials

  • Created a calmer, more even temperament
  • Boosted the immune system by 47%
  • Reduced intestinal disease-causing germs by 51%
L. Casei supports cell health in senior dogs.

L. Casei

Researchers at Yale called L. Casei a "methylation-booster" after seeing it support cell health in senior dogs.

  • Decreased markers of joint deterioration by 35%
  • Supported bladder and kidney function
  • Improved energy levels by 29% in lethargic dogs

There's also B. Longum, L. Acidophilus, L. Rhamnosus, B. Brev, B. Subtilis and S. Boulardii. Each strain complements the others to optimize methylation.

And when your dog’s methylation is optimized, every bodily system and function is supported. That unlocks remarkable transformations in dogs of any age.

Just ask the thousands of dog owners now using Wild Belly...

Real Customer Success Stories Prove
How This Bacon-Flavored Treat Can Transform
The Health Of All Ages And Breeds

Just browse the remarkable before and after photos dog owners submit after trying Wild Belly!

Bruno is a 10 year old Boxer who developed terrible food allergies out of the blue. Constant paw chewing, rashes and hair falling out around his eyes. Wild Belly worked wonders for his allergies and coat within a few weeks! He’s like a playful pup again.

Molly C.

I was worried Honey's anxiety and sudden aggression was just her getting old, but at only 4 years that seemed crazy. I can't believe that after 1 month on Wild Belly, the extreme behavioral issues my Husky had vanished. She's calm, affectionate and sweet again!

Michelle R.

Wrigley couldn't make it up stairs with his sore hips and we feared the worst. After starting Wild Belly, over the next 2 months he gained mobility each week until he was doing stairs with no problem! We're astounded how a 10 year old dog can improve instead of declining. This gives us hope we’ll have Wrigley another 5 years.

Daniel T.

I could share story after story just like those about the incredible revival dogs of all types experience with Wild Belly...

But why waste another moment? You could witness similar benefits for your own pup starting in days!

You have nothing to lose with our
unbeatable 90 day money back guarantee

Money-Back Guarantee - 90 Day.

Try Wild Belly completely risk-free.

Just sprinkle over your dog's meal daily and watch them flourish before your eyes.

Or contact our caring customer service team for a full refund, no questions asked. You truly have zero risk finding out how much this can help your pup.

Right now Wild Belly is available
at the absolute lowest rates:

A full 6 month supply is just $33 per bottle. Not only is this extremely discounted pricing, it also ensures your dog's health stays supported long term.

Securing a 6 month supply today is the smartest option for your dog's energy and mobility.

Remember: the power to restore your pup's youth, reignite their energy, and let them romp and play carefree again lies in your hands at this very moment.

Seize it without hesitation - your beloved companion deserves nothing less.

Wild Belly Package.

Select the package that
best suits your needs below:

K-9 Jumpstart

30 Day Supply

1 bottle 30 day supply.

Save 17%


+ Small Shipping Fee

Add to cart Security Payments.

Regular price: $59

Today Only: $49

K-9 Transformation

180 Day Supply

6 bottles 180 day supply.

Save 44%

$33/per bottle

+ Free US Shipping

Security Payments.

Regular price: $354

Today Only: $198

K-9 Superstar

90 Day Supply

New flex 90 day supply.

Save 34%

$39/per bottle

+ Free US Shipping

Security Payments.

Regular price: $177

Today Only: $117

Frequently Asked Questions

What makes Wild Belly different from other probiotics?

Unlike other probiotics, Wild Belly specifically contains the 8 strains clinically shown to optimize methylation by helping dogs produce higher levels of activated folate. It’s the only formula designed for supporting cellular function in this way so you can combat signs of aging from the inside out.

How long until I see results in my dog?

Many dogs exhibit noticeable improvements in energy, skin/coat health, digestion, mood and more within the first 2-4 weeks. With daily use, those results compound over months and years for a truly remarkable health turnaround.

What happens after I order Wild Belly today?

After choosing your preferred package, you’ll be taken to our 256-bit encrypted checkout page. Simply enter your shipping address and payment details. We ship most orders within 24 business hours. Expect Wild Belly on your doorstep in 3-5 days! Then just sprinkle over your dog’s meals morning and night.

What if it doesn’t work for my dog?

We offer an unconditional 90-day money back guarantee. If you don't witness improvements in your dog's health from optimizing their methylation with Wild Belly, simply contact us for a full purchase price refund, no questions asked!

My dog is already on prescription medication. Is it safe taking Wild Belly too?

Wild Belly is made from gentle, all-natural substances that avoid negative medication interactions. That said, always consult your vet before starting any new supplement when your dog takes prescriptions. Nearly all medications can be safely paired with Wild Belly.

It’s Time To Take Control Of Your
Dog’s Quality Of Life Starting Right Now

As a dog owner, you have an important choice to make...

You can hope diet or exercise alone will be enough to support your aging companion. But studies show even healthy foods lack the crucial probiotic strains they need. Their methylation cannot be optimized without targeted support.

Or you can watch helplessly as your once energetic, playful dog continues to grow more sluggish, anxious and unwell with each passing month. Denying them all the fun walks, playtime and quality years they deserve.

Or you can choose to take action right now - while Wild Belly is in stock and discounts/guarantees are available. Let your dog feel years younger despite their age! Restore their health, happiness and comfort naturally!

It's time to take control of your dog's quality of life.

The choice is clear.

Your dog has given you endless love and loyalty their entire life without asking for anything in return.

Now you have the chance to give them an incredible gift in that could literally save them years of suffering while bringing back the pup you know and love!

Click below now to choose your money-saving 6 month or 3 month supply of Wild Belly that also ships to you free!

In just days from now you'll be so grateful you took
advantage of this limited time offer...

Wild Belly Package.


As you witness your beloved dog thriving with newfound energy, comfort and quality of life once more thanks to optimized methylation from Wild Belly!

The decision is yours, but I hope you choose your dog's renewed future starting today…

Select the package that
best suits your needs below:

K-9 Jumpstart

30 Day Supply

1 bottle 30 day supply.

Save 17%


+ Small Shipping Fee

Add to cart Security Payments.

Regular price: $59

Today Only: $49

K-9 Transformation

180 Day Supply

6 bottles 180 day supply.

Save 44%

$33/per bottle

+ Free US Shipping

Security Payments.

Regular price: $354

Today Only: $198

K-9 Superstar

90 Day Supply

New flex 90 day supply.

Save 34%

$39/per bottle

+ Free US Shipping

Security Payments.

Regular price: $177

Today Only: $117